C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Text File
272 lines
*** ***
*** Copyright (c) 1981 by David M. Fogg ***
*** ***
*** 2632 N.E. Fremont ***
*** Portland, OR 97212 ***
*** ***
*** (503) 288-3502{HM} || 223-8033{WK} ***
*** ***
*** Permission is herewith granted for non- ***
*** commercial distribution through the BDS C ***
*** User's Group; any and all forms of commercial ***
*** redistribution are strenuously unwished-for. ***
*** ***
/* ---> IQUIZ <--- : UCSD Pascal -> BDS C conversion
24 Nov 80 - creation day
29 Nov: more creation
30 Nov: final touches
This version differs from the Pascal one in that the entire
question file is read into memory - which means: 1) that the
question file is NOT a random-access file, and 2) that
file maintenance is done with a standard editor, rather than
in this program.
Original & adaptation conceived & coded by:
David M. Fogg - Portland, Oregon
#include <std.h>
#define KBPORT 17 /* Keyboard Data Port *** SYSTEM DEPENDENCY ***/
#define YQBAS 11 /* y-ord of 1st maybe */
#define STARCL 100 /* starting klok kount */
#define QLINES 3
#define MAYBES 4
#define MAXQ 333 /* maximum # of questions */
#define KBDATA 17 /* Keyboard Data Port *** SYSTEM-DEPENDENT ***/
#define FUGIT 3000 /* default clock tarditude factor */
#define ROUND 10 /* default questions/round */
# # # # # GLOBALS # # # # #
char *qline[MAXQ], *maybe[MAXQ];
char *curmeb[MAYBES]; /* current answers in shuffled order */
int numrex; /* # records in memory */
int asked; /* # asked so far (quit when == numrex) */
BYTE answer; /* screen loc of answer */
int rec; /* current question from file */
int order[MAYBES]; /* screen order of possible answers */
int tempus;
char higuy[20], loboy[20];
int hiscore, loscore;
char player[20]; /* hi/low scorers, curr player */
int score;
int fugit;
main (ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
BYTE round; /* # questions in a round */
BYTE qnum; /* question # in round */
BOOL missed; /* whether s/he's missed once already */
BYTE kount; /* kurrent klok kount */
BYTE guess; /* current guess */
char olgess; /* prev guess (to tell if he hit a key) */
char filnam[MAXNAM];
BOOL noteof;
char ibuf[BUFSIZ];
char *memtop; /* hiest avail memloc 4 Q/A lns */
char *mp; /* Mem Ptr used while loading Q/A lns */
int l;
putchar(' '); /* force loading of local version */
round = ROUND; fugit = FUGIT;
noteof = YES;
asked = numrex = 0;
loscore = 9999; hiscore = -1;
memtop = topofmem() - 1000;
mp = sbrk(1);
if (ac < 2)
strcpy(filnam, "iquiz.dat");
strcpy(filnam, av[1]);
if (fopen(filnam, ibuf) == ERROR)
errxit("Can't open file");
while (noteof && numrex < MAXQ && mp < memtop)
for (i = 0; i < QLINES+MAYBES; ++i) {
if (fgets(mp, ibuf) == 0) {
noteof = NO;
if (i == 0) qline[numrex] = mp;
if (i == QLINES) maybe[numrex++] = mp;
l = strlen(mp);
mp[l-1] = NULL;
mp += l;
printf("\nExtra Memory: %u", memtop - mp);
printf("\n%d questions\n\n", numrex);
puts("Questions/round(default: 10) - "); scanf("%d", &round);
if (round < 1) round = ROUND;
puts("Clock delay rate (default: 3000) - "); scanf("%d", &fugit);
if (fugit < 1) fugit = FUGIT;
nrand(0, "Hit return someday..."); getchar();
>>>---------> MAIN LOOP <---------<<<
do {
puts("Player's name, or 'Q'(uit) - "); gets(player);
if (toupper(player[0]) == 'Q')
puts("RETURN to start..."); getchar();
score = 0; qnum = round;
do {
puts(CLEAR); puts(CUROFF);
toxy(30,1); printf("< QUESTION # %d >", qnum);
toxy(5,3); printf("Score: %d", score);
toxy(50,3); puts("Count --->");
showq(rec = getq());
missed = NO; kount = STARCL; guess = -1;
do {
toxy(63,3); puts(VIDINV); printf("%3d ", kount); puts(VIDNOR);
guess = (inp(KBPORT) & 127) - '1';
if (guess < 0 || guess >= MAYBES) olgess = guess;
if (guess != answer && olgess != guess) {
hilite(3, guess * 2 + YQBAS, "{NO}");
olgess = guess;
if (missed)
kount = 1;
else {
kount = kount / 2 + 1;
missed = YES;
tempus = fugit; while (--tempus);
} while (--kount && guess != answer);
if (kount) ++kount;
score += kount;
toxy(5,3); printf("Score: %d", score);
toxy(63,3); puts(VIDINV); printf("%3d ", kount); puts(VIDNOR);
if (kount) {
hilite(3, answer * 2 + YQBAS, "YES!");
hilite(13, answer * 2 + YQBAS, maybe[rec]);
if (!getyn(10, 21, "Continue"))
qnum = 1;
toxy(10, 21);
if (kbhit()) getchar();
qline[rec] = NULL;
} while (--qnum);
} while (asked < numrex-round && toupper(player[0]) != 'Q');
if (round > numrex-asked) {
puts("\n\nToo few questions for a new round: RETURN to exit - ");
=========< SUBROUTINES >=========
hilite (x, y, msg) /* ---<PRINT msg IN INVIDEO>--- */
BYTE x, y;
char *msg;
toxy(x, y); printf("%s%s%s", VIDINV, msg, VIDNOR);
getq () /* ---<RETURN RANDOM QUESTION #>--- */
int r;
r = nrand(1) % numrex;
while (qline[r] == NULL) r = (r + 1) % numrex;
return (r);
showq (qno) /* ---<SHOW QUESTION & MAYBES>--- */
int qno;
BYTE i, t;
char *l;
int qlen;
char anset[10];
qlen = 0;
strcpy(anset, "0123");
for (i = 0; i < MAYBES; ++i) { /* shuffle answers */
t = nrand(1) % MAYBES;
while (inset(anset, t + '0') == 0) t = (t+1) % MAYBES;
order[i] = t;
anset[t] = 'X';
answer = order[0];
l = maybe[qno]; /* retrieve answers in shuffled order */
for (i = 0; i < MAYBES; ++i) {
curmeb[order[i]] = l;
l += strlen(l) + 1;
l = qline[qno]; /* display question & answers */
for (i = 0; i < QLINES; ++i) {
toxy(5, 6 + i); puts(l);
qlen += strlen(l);
l += strlen(l) + 1;
for (i = 0; i < MAYBES; ++i) {
toxy(9, i * 2 + YQBAS);
printf("%d : %s", i + 1, curmeb[i]);
tempus = fugit * 9 + qlen * 99;
while (--tempus); /* givum time to read it b4 starting the clock */
shostat () /* ---<DISPLAY STANDINGS>--- */
toxy(10,21); puts("RETURN to see standings - "); getchar();
if (score > hiscore) {
hiscore = score; strcpy(higuy, player);
if (score < loscore) {
loscore = score; strcpy(loboy, player);
printf("High scorer: %-20s {%4d }\n\n", higuy, hiscore);
printf("Curr player: %-20s {%4d }\n\n", player, score);
printf(" Low scorer: %-20s {%4d }\n\n", loboy, loscore);
printf("QUESTIONS - used: %d left: %d\n\n", asked, numrex - asked);
putchar(c) /* ---<MAKE putchar() BE putch()>--- */
char c;